Not much to say about this project other than that it's been a consistent 2+ years of progress with many more features added this year and with many more still to come in the future. Download this year's last 1.9.1 version here.
This mod, which has previously been known as "Half-Life 2 Immersion Mod", has received a long-awaited b0.8 update on the 20th anniversary of Half-Life 2 (and a subsequent b0.8.1 patch). This update includes numerous improvements and bug fixes, but most notably it introduces a realistic physics engine for various kinds of objects that can be manipulated using the Gravity Gun. To my knowledge, this is the second mod ever to introduce realistic physics to Serious Engine 1, with BTB Airlines being the first one, of course.
After almost 7 years I have finally decided to finish up a 1.1 update that originally never saw the light of day for this map. I've done a lot more work just this year compared to the other six, so this is a great reason to play this map again if you haven't done it for a while (or at all). If you don't feel like playing it for some reason (let alone get all of the achievements), check out the "all achievements run" video further down this page.
Originally released in 2022 as part of a mapping jam, I've decided to release a standalone version of this map to avoid unnecessary dependency on others. And I've also uploaded it to Revolution workshop, if this is somehow your preferred way of playing maps for classic Serious Sam games.
Released a 1.1 update to this application with many new features, most notably support for mod directories for packing levels within mods with proper folder structure.
A small insignifcant patch has been released for the mod that fixes one (1) visual bug that's been bugging me since the original release. But this is also a reminder that this mod exists, in case you're interested to try it out. The page has proper screenshots now.
Initial efforts have been put towards the recreation of the Entities library from Serious Sam Classics: Revolution. It is still work-in-progress but it could already be used as a basis for mods that wish to implement new Revolution enemy types, like what Classics Patch is already doing. Aside from that, original Entities and EntitiesMP projects have been added to the repository from original SDK releases sdk105 and sdk107 respectively. These libraries are configured to build under this SDK but otherwise are completely identical to the vanilla SDK releases in order to allow mods for those SDKs to be easily ported onto this SDK.
This year I decided to put more effort into my fork of SE1 and the biggest thing I've done for it is introduce native Linux support. It's based primarily on Ryan C. Gordon's original efforts but without mindlessly copypasting all the code over. The engine was carefully rewritten using his fork merely as a reference with many quality-of-life adjustments of my own. As usual, check the repository's releases to read about specific changes under each "code snapshot".
Last year I made a NoCD patch for Beta 1.50 version of The Second Encounter. But then this year I thought "Why not make NoCD patches for the rest of the versions?" because what if you wanted to play some obscure ancient mod that only runs on TFE v1.02 or something? But oh no, you've only gotten a Steam version of TFE without the original CD, which is required by any version prior to v1.05! And also by TSE v1.05 because the latest version of TSE is v1.07. These executables solve this problem.